Refresher Training
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System Health Check
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Customised Topics
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Refresher Training
After the initial implementation stages have passed and the system becomes part of the everyday operation, there maybe changes within your business: people leave, new people start and job roles change. You may find that some refresher training is required to help bring everyone involved in your operation up to speed with PurGo and enable them to get the most from the system. Refresher training will also help everyone stay up to date with all the new system features and tools that have been introduced.
System Health Check
Once everyone in your operation starts to use PurGo, the amount of data being collected and used can become sizeable. Although the design of the system helps with the organisation of this data, it still requires routine maintenance to ensure it is clean and accurate. We can help you with this task – working with you to carry out some general housekeeping to ensure your system is as efficient and effective as it can be.
Customised Topics
After using PurGo for a while, you may just feel like you need some help and guidance in certain areas. Perhaps you need to set up new reports, or you feel that your drivers would benefit from some training on the in cab device. We can deliver training on whatever you need.

Request Training
Submit a training request by completing this form and we will contact you as soon as we can to discuss your requirements